Essential Oils and Food

The food you consume greatly influences your health and how well you feel. 

If you occasionally splurge and eat something not all that nutritious, it will probably only deplete your energy and make you feel blah for a while. But if you make a poor diet a habit, you will suffer longer term consequences.

Due to food's effect on your well-being, it makes sense to avoid whatever is highly processed, full of sugar, high in fat, and made of inferior ingredients. Instead, opt for whole, organic, fresh food, and healthy fats as much as you can.

When you eat right, you feel better.  And because you're running on better fuel, you'll have more sustained energy, too. 

Your body will also be better equipped to regenerate itself, and, on average, you'll have a better chance of experiencing greater longevity.

When you incorporate a small amount of essential oils with a good diet, these benefits are even greater.

And here again, I am referring to using quality, therapeutic-grade essential oils only.

Adding Essential Oils to Food

Adding just a tiny amount of therapeutic-grade essential oils to food before cooking or just before serving not only enhances the flavor, but also makes for a healthier eating experience.

When using essential oils with food, you don't need much.. as essential oils are much more potent than ordinary kitchen spices.

Here are few ways that I've used essential oils in food that you can easily try on your own...

  • Oregano and basil oil in spaghetti sauce or other Italian dishes.
  • Fruit salsa with tangerine and citrus fresh oils
  • Cinnamon with blue agave on roasted nuts as a tasty snack
  • Essential oil blend Di-Gize added to marinade is wonderful for meats 
  • Peppermint brownies and lemon thumb print cookies make great desserts

In addition to these food examples, therapeutic-grade essential oils can be used to make delicious drinks, too.  

Adding peppermint to iced tea can be very refreshing.  But my favorite is lavender lemonade.  Everyone I've made this for loves it.  Even those who have no interest in essential oils. 

Oh... and ginger -- and just about any citrus oil -- can really jazz up a smoothie.

Instructions for making many of these tasty treats can be found in the collection of essential oils recipes I've gathered.

Essential Oil Chewing Gum?

Here's one last essential oil oriented food item I'll mention.  It's an essential oil based gum.

The main ingredient of this gum is frankincense resin, which is commonly chewed in the Middle East. The gum also contains an essential oil blend that's flavorful and satisfying.  

One of the benefits of the gum is that it's so satisfying it reduces cravings for food. This has led some people to chew it to help with weight management.  The gum is good for promoting healthy gums and teeth, too.

And it tastes great. My husband loves it whenever I get some of this frankincense gum.

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